Summer Day Retreat
July 29 @ 9:00 am - August 2 @ 2:00 pm

Come join us for our 5 DAY SUMMER SEWING RETREAT
Tuesday- Friday 9:00-5:00
Saturday 9:00- 2:00
Join us for a day of sewing! This is a great time for you to get all those unfinished projects done.
We will have some morning snacks here for you. For lunch we usually schedule a potluck, if you prefer, you can bring your own sack lunch. On these days we will have a daily drawing for a prize.
Saturday 9:30-2:00
This day will be open sew and show and tell. For lunch we will do a potluck be sure to bring your recipe with you so we can share it with everyone.
On this day we will have a Grand prize drawing for the ones that sign up for all 5 days.
Everyone that signs up gets 20% off their fabric and notion purchases during the retreat.
Cost of the SUMMER Sewing Retreat is $50 for all five days or $10 a day you just need to let me know which days you will be here this is non refundable and must be paid when you sign up. I do have a limited spots so be sure to sign up as soon as possible.