Start Night Block Of The Month
March 19 @ 10:00 am

Start Night is an in House Block Of The Month we will meet the 3rd Wednesday of each month at 10 AM. March through November. In doing this quilt you will learn how to use the Wonder Curve Ruler which makes cutting and squaring-up blocks easier than ever. There are multiple layouts for this quilt plus you can choice either the light background or the dark background color.
Sign up fee is $32
Class fee for each month is $25
is background fabric you can
choose the Light Background it is $9.25 each month
Or you can
choose Dark Background it is $11.25 each month
Plus for each class you will bring your scraps to make the characters we will let you know each month what you will need.
I only have 2 spots left for this so if you’re interested call and get signed up right away. Once it is filled I will take this down.